Lis Wiehl

Lis Weisehl is an American legal analyst, author and writer of fiction as well as non-fiction. She worked as a correspondent at NBC News, and National Public Radio's All Things Considered. New York Times best-selling author She has written the books of 18. One of these is Hunting Charles Manson. Lis Wiehl was raised in Yakima, a Washington city of Yakima. She received her diploma from Yakima's West Valley High School. She graduated with a bachelor's education from Barnard College Columbia University in 1983. She graduated with a MA in English literature from Queensland University, Australia in 1985. The year 1987 was when she was awarded her doctorate degree from Harvard Law School. Lis Wiehl was born the 19th of August, 1961. She will be sixty-one years old by 2023. She stands 6'3 tall and weighs in at 78 pounds. Lis Washl was an Seattle lawyer from the year 1995 until 2002. Her name was awarded national acclaim for her participation in the Trial Advocacy Program. She started her career in journalism at Washington University as a reporter and legal analyst on NBC News, and NPR's All Things Considered. She quickly rose to prominence as a pundit because of her impressive work. Wiehl became an analyst in the field of law and a journalist at Fox News Channel after having been employed by NBC News, National Public Radio as well as All Things Considered. She was employed by the firm for over 15 years. At FNC, she was interview for interviews by CNN NPR as well as several large media outlets.

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